Our Association
The Hungarian Association of Physics Students (Mafihe), is a non-profit organization ran by students and is a member of IAPS. The Association was founded in 1988 in Budapest, one year after the formation of IAPS. Of the 137 founders, many were also part of the founding of IAPS.
Currently we have Local Committees at five universities, altogether in four cities: in Budapest at Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Eötvös Loránd University, in Debrecen at the University of Debrecen, in Pécs at the University of Pécs and in Szeged at the University of Szeged.
Our goal is to give physics students something beyond the basic academic curriculum, to enrich their education with valuable experiences, to provide them with an outlook on international research, and to foster the professional relationships of our members with Hungarian and foreign physics students. To ensure this, we maintain contact with different organizations at home, and abroad, and we organize various programs. Our first summer school was held in 1993. Since then, we organise summer schools regularly.
Besides professional programs, we place great emphasis on cultural and community programs in order to help our members create a cohesive community among physics students.
Although BSS is traditionally an event of Mafihe, the last few times the officers of Mafihe have worked closely with the members of Budapest Young Minds Section in organising the conference in order for BSS to reach a wider audience.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us:
Facebook: facebook.com/mafihe
E-mail: mafhe[\]mafihe.hu
Telephone: (+36)1/372-2701
Magyar Fizikushallgatók Egyesülete
1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A.